Congressman Krishnamoorthi Statement On 1-Year Anniversary Of January 6th Capitol Insurrection


Date: Jan. 6, 2022
Location: Schaumburg, IL

Today, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021:

"January 6th, 2021 will go down as one of the darkest days in our country's history. On that day, more than 2,000 insurrectionists violently breached the Capitol in an effort to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. During the attack, the insurrectionists injured one-hundred fifty law enforcement officers, while five people lost their lives as a result of the day's events. I was evacuated from my office after the Capitol Police discovered a bomb 200 feet from my office window. Following the horrors of that afternoon, after the National Guard arrived to secure the Capitol, I joined my colleagues in crossing the broken glass and wreckage that filled the halls of Congress to return to the House floor to certify the election and fulfill our Constitutional duty.

There can be no compromise with those who would seek to overthrow our republic. There can be no reconciliation. Instead, our focus must be on pursuing truth and justice. Through the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, we must learn the truth of what happened that day, who was responsible, and how we can prevent any such events from ever occurring again.

Through the Department of Justice, we must deploy every available resource to fully investigate, prosecute, and convict all those responsible for the planning and execution of the insurrection. Those who attacked our Capitol must be held accountable for the sake of justice and to send the unwavering message that Americans will never tolerate any attempt to subvert our democracy

Today is a day of remembrance for that tragedy, a day of thanks for those who showed heroism in facing it, and a day of rededication to the work yet to be done to ensure it never happens again."
